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5 Health Benefits of Oranges

5 Health Benefits of Oranges

Jul. 22nd, 2021

There are over 600 varieties of oranges in the world, with Florida being the top producer of this fruit in the United States.1

Oranges are a food that shares the same name as its color. These bright, tangy fruits are a popular summer snack that can easily be packed in a lunch box and taken anywhere.

Here are 5 health benefits of oranges and some ways you can add this sweet fruit to your everyday diet.

Oranges Have Vitamin C

One health benefit of consuming oranges is that they are a great source of Vitamin C. One orange may contain up to 92% of your daily Vitamin C recommendation depending on the variety!1

Vitamin C is responsible for keeping your skin youthful by helping the body regenerate collagen, which is a protein found in your skin, bones, and cells. Vitamin C boosts the production of hyaluronic acid which helps our body produce more collagen. Our bodies naturally produce less collagen as we age, so eating foods like oranges can help keep your skin healthy for years to come.2

Another benefit of Vitamin C is that it can help boost immunity. A review published in Nutrients found that Vitamin C can help our cells fight diseases, including reducing the impact of air pollution and preventing acute infections such as the common cold.3

Add oranges to your diet to help your body meet the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C.

Oranges Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Another benefit of oranges is that they may help your body manage high blood pressure.

A four-week study measured the blood pressure of participants who consumed orange juice for four weeks. When the participants consumed commercial orange juice, their blood pressure was reduced by 5.13%.4

Furthermore, oranges can boost potassium intake by up to 14%. Potassium is important because it can help relax and open the body’s blood vessels, which can help prevent high blood pressure.5

While no single food can completely control your blood pressure levels, oranges are an excellent way to help your blood vessels relax. Add oranges to a healthy diet to prevent high blood pressure.

Oranges Can Improve Your Digestive Health

Maintaining your digestive system is important to staying healthy as you age. Your digestive tract helps your body absorb nutrients and gives you the energy you need.

One cup of oranges contains 4 grams of fiber, and dietary experts recommend that you get 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat. Fiber helps your digestive system process food and keep a healthy weight.6

Half of the fiber contained within oranges is soluble fiber, which can create a gel substance that slows digestion. This gel helps your body absorb nutrients and can even decrease the amount of sugar your body absorbs, which in turn lowers your blood sugar levels.7

Eat more oranges to start improving your digestive health today!

Oranges Can Improve Brain Health

Oranges contain hesperidin in their peels, which is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties that are unique to citrus fruits.

One benefit of hesperidin is that it can improve your cognitive functioning. According to a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, those who drank orange juice containing hesperidin performed better on 8 individual cognitive tests.8

Furthermore, an 8 week study discovered similar results when trialing the effect of orange juice and cognition on healthy older adults. The researchers also reviewed other studies in their analysis and suggested that one reason hesperidin can improve cognitive functioning is that it has protective properties that can improve brain health.9

Orange juice is currently the best source of hesperidin because it can be extracted from the peels and pulp of the orange. The best type of orange juice to consume hesperidin is 100% orange juice.10

Oranges May Reduce Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be painful and difficult to experience, especially if you are at risk for them. Anyone can get a kidney stone, but a healthy diet and proper exercise are usually advised to protect against them.

It has been proven that citrate, a compound of citric acid found in fruits like oranges, can help reduce your chances of getting kidney stones. Citrate helps prevent the crystallization of salts that can cause kidney stones. Another benefit of citrate can help lower the PH in the urinary tract, which will help fluid pass more easily through the excretory system.11

Citrus fruits are known to be a good source of citrate and can help raise the urinary tract’s citrate levels. One study even showed that orange juice is more effective at raising citrate levels than lemonade.12

Adding oranges to your diet can be one way to protect yourself against getting kidney stones in the future.

Vitamins and Minerals

Overall, oranges are a healthy fruit that have many vitamins and nutrients that are good for your health.

Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you can get from oranges:

  • Vitamin C: Oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help keep your skin healthy by promoting the creation of collagen, protecting your body from high blood pressure, and preventing iron deficiency. A single orange is estimated to contain around 70 milligrams of vitamin C.13
  • Potassium: Oranges contain potassium, which can help you regulate your heartbeat and assist your nerves in contraction. Potassium also assists your body’s cells in the digestive process by helping them absorb nutrients from the food you eat.14
  • Folate: Folate, which is also known as Vitamin B9, is responsible for helping our cells grow and plays a role in DNA formation. Folate is especially important for pregnant women to consume because a lack of it can cause birth defects.15
  • Thiamine: Oranges contain Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, which is a water soluble vitamin that is found in every cell in the body. Thiamine helps our body process the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from the foods we eat.16

How to add more oranges to your diet

There are many ways you can start enjoying oranges with your meals. Whether you enjoy eating oranges or drinking orange juice, there are many recipes that incorporate oranges into them on the internet.

Here are some ideas you can use to include oranges into your diet:

  • Make a smoothie and include oranges as one of the ingredients
  • Add oranges to your fruit salad
  • Make homemade orange juice
  • Create a fruit kebob with oranges
  • Make your own orange popsicles with gelatin, orange juice, and water
  • Top your food with orange salsa
  • Add orange slices to your bagged lunch
  • Use a slice of orange to naturally flavor your water
  • Make orange jelly for your toast
  • Add oranges to your desserts like ice cream
  • Chop up oranges and mix them into your yogurt
  • Add oranges to your granola
  • Bake an orange pie

Eat More Fresh Oranges Today!

Now that you know some of the health benefits of oranges, we encourage you to add some to your cart on your next shopping trip. If you can, support the farms that locally grow oranges in your area.

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Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.

