Saber Assisted Living

At Saber’s affiliated assisted living communities, they provide the perfect combination of expert care and compassionate support to allow you or your loved one to live a more full and independent life.

Saber’s affiliated assisted living facilities about finding ways to help residents reach their highest level of well-being. From engaging activities that promote social interaction to creating a personal care plan for each resident, every service they provide treats residents like family.

A Care First Approach


At all the assisted living communities, it’s the goal to help residents have more opportunities to enjoy their interests, hobbies and passions. And putting expert care first is the foundation that the vibrant lifestyle you or your loved one can experience is built on.

The approach to care starts with getting to know each resident at the individual level. By understanding your unique needs, the affiliated team gets a clear picture on how their services can help.

The assisted living services include meals, housekeeping and laundry to help lift the burden of living in a private residence on your own. Providing assisted living care is more than attending only to physical needs. Saber’s affiliated assisted living is a holistic approach to care that considers each resident’s emotional, spiritual and social health as well.

Assisted Living?

Assisted Living is centered on seniors who want to maintain their independent lifestyle but need some extra help with daily activities. Many assisted living communities provide support for bathing, transportation, dressing and medication reminder. While Saber affiliated facilities also provides all these services, they go a step further by:

  • Recruiting expert physicians, nurses and staff so they can not only provide the level of care you deserve but find ways to improve it over time.
  • Having empathy and understanding for assisted living residents. Part of the care first approach means offering clear and responsive communication with residents and their families.

Saber affiliated assisted living brings the balanced care you need with the independence that you desire.


Assisted living center meal service



The support they provide with the assisted living services allows residents have more time for their hobbies and passions. So, life at one of the assisted living communities is unique depending on the person. You could start off your day enjoying breakfast with friends and neighbors before going to a group fitness or spending some time decorating your senior apartment. In the afternoon, you could explore the surrounding community or read the latest best seller in your favorite chair. By putting care first, the team strives to give their assisted living residents more opportunities to explore their interests.


If you’re looking for assisted living near you, see how the care first approach can help you or your loved one reach their highest level of well-being. If you have any questions or are interesting in learning more, contact the friendly staff today.

Assisted living center social time

Commitment + Clinical Leadership = Customized Care