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Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Nov. 22nd, 2022

The holidays are quickly approaching! While this time of year is filled with fun traditions and sweet memories, it can also call for a lot of travel, crowds of people, and different schedules.

While you’re enjoying the holiday season, it’s important to stay healthy to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here are some tips for staying healthy during the holidays.

Wash hands often

Flu season falls right over the holidays. To protect yourself and your loved ones from getting the flu, or any other illness that spreads around this time of year, be sure to wash your hands frequently.

The best way to properly wash your hands is to wash them with clean, warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. This can help prevent you from spreading germs, and can also protect yourself if you come in contact with any kind of virus.1

Manage stress

Although the holidays are meant to be cheerful, they can be a stressful season for many. Try your best to plan and prepare to cope with stress.

Give yourself a break if you get overwhelmed, get plenty of sleep, connect with family and friends, and seek professional help if needed. You can also check out our ideas on how to relieve stress and relax.2


It’s important to take some time to rest during the busy holiday season. It’s also helpful if you can stick to your usual sleep schedule.

Lack of sleep or irregular sleep schedules can lead to fatigue and poor eating habits, which is the last thing you want to worry about during this season.3

You can check out our tips to get better sleep at night here.4

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is always important for your body. Dehydration can affect your brain and heart, and cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and lack of energy.5

If you’re consuming more snacks and food than your body is used to due to the holiday gatherings, water can also help your body flush out all the extra salt and sugar.  

Stay dry and warm

Dressing warm and staying dry from rain and snow can help prevent you from getting sick. Be sure to layer up with warm clothing, hats, scarves, and gloves.

Stay home if you’re sick

As much as everyone wants to be included in the holiday fun, it’s extremely important to stay home if you’re not feeling well. This can help prevent spreading a virus around to other people, who would in turn spread it to others.                                                                                                                                                

Prepare and serve food safely

If you’re hosting a gathering for the holidays, make sure to prepare and serve food safely! Wash your hands while cooking, and make sure all cookware and surfaces have been cleaned and disinfected.

According to the CDC, millions of people get sick from foodborne illnesses each year. Be sure to cook foods to the recommended temperatures, and store any foods in the refrigerator that are perishable.6

Eat healthy foods

Eating healthy is just as important during the holidays as any other time of year. Although there will be many foods and treats to indulge in, fruits and vegetables still have some of the best vitamins and nutrients for protecting your body from diseases.7

Try to include fruits, vegetables, and any other whole foods in your meals each day. Limiting portion sizes, excess salt, and sugar intake can also help you eat healthier during the holidays.

Stay active

Another healthy holiday tip is to stay active. Physical activity can help you manage weight, reduce stress, and reduce the risk of disease.

Staying active can also help you better perform your everyday activities. If you’re looking for a break during the holiday shopping or planning, or if you just want to get your heart rate up, make sure you schedule some time for physical activity.8

Travel safely

If you and your family are hitting the road for family gatherings, be sure to travel safely. Be mindful of the times of day when the roads are busiest.

You should check the upcoming weather to ensure you’re not driving in inclement weather. You can also check to make sure your vehicle is ready for long travel and doesn’t need air in the tires or an oil change. It is also recommended to that you stock up on an emergency kit to be prepared.

Change your mindset

Oftentimes, the holidays can cause stress or an excessive amount of planning. It’s easy to get caught up in the business instead of enjoying time with loved ones.

The holidays can also cause you to be hard on yourself. If you have to miss a day at the gym, don’t beat yourself up! One of the best healthy holiday tips is to change your mindset to positive thinking. This will allow you to be thankful for the food and time you have with family this season without overthinking it.

Saber Healthcare Wishes You a Happy Holiday Season

Saber Healthcare hopes you and your family have a happy and healthy holiday season. Follow these healthy holiday tips to ensure you stay healthy this season!

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides services to more than 115 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, Delaware, and Florida. To learn more about our company and services, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  1. “4 Facts About Handwashing You May Have Not Known.” Saber Healthcare Group, December 4th, 2020. Accessed November 14th, 2022.
  2. “10 Ways You Can Relieve Stress Today.” Saber Healthcare Group, June 4th, 2022. Accessed November 14th, 2022.
  3. Gotter, Ana. “Healthy Holidays 101: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes.” Healthline Media, March 5th, 2018. Accessed November 10th, 2022.
  4. “Tired? 6 Ways to Get More Rest at Night.” Saber Healthcare Group, November 22nd, 2020. Accessed November 14th, 2022.
  5. “Dehydration: What Causes It and How to Avoid It.” Saber Healthcare Group, July 29th, 2022. Accessed November 10th, 2022.
  6. “10 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holidays.” Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas, Accessed November 10th, 2022.
  7. “12 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday Season.” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed November 10th, 2022.
  8. “Benefits of Physical Activity.” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed November 10th, 2022.,ability%20to%20do%20everyday%20activities.