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How Seniors Can Volunteer

How Seniors Can Volunteer

Apr. 25th, 2024

Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? There are so many organizations and non-profits that are looking for volunteers to make a difference.

In fact, there are over 1.8 million non-profits to choose from in the United States.1 With so many places to volunteer, your loved one will surely find the right fit for them!

Volunteer Pairing Resources

Because there are so many places that take volunteers, it will not be hard for your loved ones to find an organization that fits their interests. Here are some resources to get started:

  • Volunteer Match. Volunteer Match is a non-profit organization that helps match people with volunteer opportunities. There is an easy-to-use generator that will provide your loved ones with a list of opportunities based on their location, skills, and causes they are passionate about.2
  • State Senior Resources. Each state has resources for older adults through its Department of Aging, Health and Social Services, Health and Human Services, or Division of Aging. For example, Ohio’s Department of Aging provides different volunteer organizations that your loved ones can apply to!3
  • RSVPRSVP, or Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, helps retired adults find volunteer opportunities in their area. They provide orientation and training for volunteer positions.4

Tips for Success

Once your loved one begins the process of looking for volunteer positions through the resources above, it is important for them to pick a position that will help them be successful. Here are some tips to help loved ones choose the right volunteer opportunity for them:

  • A Few hours at a time. When a loved one first start to volunteering, it would be beneficial for them to start out slow. That way, they can gradually familiarize themselves with volunteering and the position they are about to begin.
  • Go virtual. Just because you are not volunteering in person does not mean you can’t make an impact! The resources above can help older adults find remote volunteer opportunities across a variety of interests!
  • Less strenuous. If a loved one has difficulty with mobility, they can find a less strenuous volunteer opportunity. For example, they could volunteer virtually, read to children, or walk a shelter dog.
  • Volunteer with loved ones. Volunteering with family and friends can make the volunteering experience more enjoyable. It can a sense of comradery and community.
  • Stick to your interests. There are so many different volunteer opportunities across a variety of interests. Loved ones can volunteer for an organization that matches what they are passionate about!

Volunteer Positions                                                                                                                  

There are thousands of volunteer positions open across the country that your loved ones can apply to. Here are some examples of volunteer opportunities:

  • Food bank. They can help collect, sort, and distribute food. Local community food banks are always looking for volunteers to lend a helping hand!
  • Foster a grandparent. There are many children that need a mentor and confidant in their lives. By listening to them and giving them advice, older adults could make a real difference in someone’s life!5
  • USO. Your loved one can volunteer for those who serve our country. USO volunteers help with setting up special events, welcoming service members back home, and more.
  • Days for Girls. If your loved one can sew, then Days for Girls could be a great organization to volunteer for. Volunteers sew washable menstrual supplies for girls in need.6
  • Local Animal Shelter. Animal shelters are always in need of volunteers to walk their dogs, give them pets, and even help with advocating for pro-animal legislation.7

Saber Healthcare

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides consulting services to more than 130 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, and Delaware. To learn more about our company and services, click here

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.







