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8 Ways to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer

8 Ways to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer

Oct. 11th, 2022

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign meant to bring awareness to breast cancer, its symptoms, and research to find a cure. On average, 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.1

Fundraisers and events for breast cancer commonly occur during October, and the color pink is worn proudly in support of those diagnosed with breast cancer. You might be wondering how to join the cause this year to promote awareness in your community.

There are many ways you can get involved to help make a difference. Here are some ideas on how to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Donate to research

Donating to research initiatives can be a big help when it comes to finding a cure for breast cancer. Did you know that metastatic breast cancer research receives the least amount of funds even though it’s the only form of breast cancer that is fatal?2

Whether you want to put together a fundraiser to raise money to donate, or you want to donate from your personal earnings, any amount can help the cause.

Here are some of the top charities that fund research and patient support for those with breast cancer. Click on each organization to learn more about what they do and how they support women with breast cancer:

Donate to a chemo center

Donating to a local chemo center is a great way to show your support for those with breast cancer. Many women lose their hair during treatment, and new, bright scarves or hats can make their day.

You can collect hats and scarves amongst your friends or coworkers to donate to a chemo center in your community. If you or anyone you know knits or crochets, they can also make special scarves and hats for these women.

Discuss Risk Factors

Education is important when it comes to spreading awareness about any subject, especially in healthcare. The more you know about a health condition and its risk factors, the more you can share with family and friends.

Common risk factors for breast cancer include obesity, lack of exercise, alcohol, and a family history of breast cancer. Share this knowledge with loved ones, and take the time to learn about your family’s health history as well.3

Post on social media

Sharing posts on social media is another way to get the word out and raise awareness. You can follow pages that advocate for breast cancer awareness and research.

You can share or repost facts about breast cancer, how to check for breast cancer, the importance of mammograms, and infographics about breast cancer. If you have social media channels, it can be a powerful tool to spread the facts!

Write cards and letters

Consider writing cards or encouraging letters to take to those at a chemo center or anyone you know who may be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Hand-written cards and letters are great to show your encouragement, love, and support. Gather your family and friends, and ask that they all participate in making a card too.

Free mammograms

Mammograms are X-rays that can detect breast cancer and can find breast cancer up to 3 years before you can feel it.2 Women who are between ages 45 and 54 should get mammograms every year, and women 55 and older can switch to every other year.4

If you or a loved one needs a mammogram, check local clinics or private practitioners in your area to see if they offer free mammograms during October. Help spread the word about these offers if they are announced in your area, and remind your older loved ones to get checked.

Participate in an event

There are many different events to participate in for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, starting from your local community and up to the national level. There are even virtual events you can find online to join and participate in from the comfort of your neighborhood and on your own time.

You can donate, volunteer, or participate in events. Some common events include Race for the Cure and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Host a donation drive

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a well-known campaign to raise money for research. However, if you want to choose the organization your money goes to and make sure all the funds reach patients, you can host a donation drive.

You can raise money in many different ways, from bake sales to car washes to raffles to fun social gatherings. Then, you can research different organizations and choose which one to donate money to.

Saber Healthcare Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Saber Healthcare is proud to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and do our part in raising awareness. We hope you’re encouraged by these tips on how to raise awareness for breast cancer and can do your part in spreading the word and helping to educate others this month.

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides services to more than 115 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, Delaware, and Florida. To learn more about our company and services, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  1. Page, Seraine. “14 Creative Ways to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Work.” TotalWellness, October 1st, 2018. Accessed October 6th, 2022.
  2. Thomas, Teresa. “12 Meaningful Things You Can Do for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” Healthline Media, September 27th, 2022. Accessed October 5th, 2022.
  3. “Beyond Pink – More Ways to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness.” Health Alliance Medical Plans, Accessed October 6th, 2022.,its%20Be%20Aware%20Women's%20Fair.
  4. “American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer.” American Cancer Society, Accessed October 6th, 2022.