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Allergy Facts You Should Know
Did you know that over 100 million Americans have an allergy?1
Whether they are drug, seasonal, or food-related, allergies can impact our lives in a significant way. That is why it is important to know the facts and be informed so you can manage your allergies in the best way.
Here are some facts about four common types of allergies.
Seasonal Allergies Facts
Seasonal allergies, medically named seasonal allergic rhinitis, is the most commonly diagnosed allergy in the United States. Experts estimate that approximately 81 million people experience seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergic rhinitis occurs when your body reacts adversely to weeds, grasses, and pollen.1
Usually, people are affected by seasonal allergies during the spring and/or fall. Some symptoms to watch out for are:
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Stuffy nose
- Itching of the eyes and nose
To lessen the effects of your seasonal allergies, limit the time that you are outside and talk to your doctor. If necessary, a doctor can talk to you about prescribing medications or allergy shots.2
Food Allergies Facts
When someone has a food allergy, they experience a negative reaction towards a particular food. Experts estimate that there are over 170 known foods that people are allergic to.3 According to researchers, around 26 million people have food allergies in the United States, with children accounting for 5.6 million. Out of the 5.6 million children, 40% have more than one food allergy.4,5
The top five foods that people are allergic to are:
- Shellfish: 8.2 million Americans
- Milk: 6.1 million Americans
- Peanuts: 6.1 million Americans
- Tree Nuts: 3.9 million Americans
- Eggs: 2.6 million Americans6
Food allergies are not something to be taken lightly. Every hour, 20 people have an allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. In total, 200,000 Americans visit the emergency room due to allergic reactions every year.7
Despite these statistics, there is hope for children and adults who suffer from food allergies. While there is no cure for any food allergies, there are clinical trials underway that might result in future food allergy cures.8 Additionally, around 80% of children will outgrow their egg, milk, and wheat allergies, according to The Ohio State University.9
Drug Allergies Facts
Drug allergies occur when the body overreacts to a certain drug. Your body is trying to protect itself from something it perceives as a threat. One in ten Americans claim to be allergic to penicillin, making it the most common drug allergy in the United States.10 Other common drug allergies are:
- Sulfa drugs
- Ibuprofen
- Aspirin
- Opiates
- Acetaminophen
Symptoms of drug allergies can be mild such as a runny nose or watery eyes, to more severe such as dizziness or difficulty swallowing.
To determine whether you have a drug allergy, the Cleveland Clinic recommends you get tested with an allergist. Some treatment options include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and EpiPens, depending on the type and severity of your drug allergy.11
Skin Allergies Facts
A skin allergy is when your skin has a bad reaction to a particular allergen. There are thousands of possible causes of skin allergies, but here are the most popular:
- Poison ivy
- Latex
- Nickel
- Fragrances
- Clothing
One way to know if you have a skin allergy is if you start to notice a change to your skin in any way. For example, if you are allergic to nickel, you will develop a skin allergy condition called contact dermatitis. Some symptoms of contact dermatitis are redness, bumps, and rashes.12
The most popular skin allergy condition is eczema, with one in thirty-six Americans diagnosed. Dander and dust are partially responsible for eczema, leaving people with itchy, dry and red skin. To treat your skin allergy, experts say to wear less form-fitting clothing, put on hydrocortisone cream, or take a milk bath.13
Saber Healthcare
Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides services to more than 130 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, and Delaware. To learn more about our company and services, click here.
Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.