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Benefits of Carrot Juice

Benefits of Carrot Juice

Nov. 8th, 2023

Did you know that carrot juice is the most popular juice after tomato juice? 

If you are looking for a healthier alternative to your favorite sugary beverage, then carrot juice may be the best option for you! There are many benefits of carrot juice, and it tastes good too!

Here are some great benefits of carrot juice you can get from drinking a glass today.

Full of Nutrients

One of the major benefits of natural carrot juice is that it is high in nutrients and low in unhealthy additives and preservatives. One cup of carrot juice has less than one gram of fat and only nine grams of

Additionally, carrot juice has 15% of the recommended Daily Value of potassium. Carrot juice is also high in vitamins. With each cup of carrot juice, you take in:

  • 251% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin A
  • 31% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin K
  • 22% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin C3


Another benefit of carrot juice is that it contains antioxidants that can help the body fight off disease and stay healthy. Some of carrot juices’ antioxidants are found in the compound beta carotene, which is also responsible for giving carrots their orange color.

Antioxidants shield your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart, and cardiovascular diseases.5 Free radicals occur in our bodies when we come in contact with air pollution, smoke, dust, and more.5

May Improve Heart Health

Another benefit of carrot juice is that studies prove it may help your heart. A previous study discovered that if you drink more than one cup of carrot juice a day, blood antioxidants increase and the oxidation of blood lipids decreases.

Also, the potassium in carrot juice helps the body maintain a healthy blood pressure. This can prevent blood clots and lowers the chances of having a stroke.

May Help Your Liver

Another benefit of carrot juice is that it may help your liver. Multiple studies say that the antioxidants from carotenoids help preclude nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, from occurring.

One study found that carrot juice diminished indicators of NAFLD. More research is needed to determine whether there is a definite connection between drinking carrot juice and NAFLD.

Helps with Eyesight

An additional benefit of carrot juice is that it helps with eyesight. This is because carrot juice contains a high amount of Vitamin A. Specifically, the Vitamin A in carrot juice lower the chances of blindness and other eye conditions.

Carrot juice also has lutein, which is a compound that protects your eyes from harmful bright light. The compounds in carrot juice can also lower the chances of eye-related diseases such as macular degeneration.

Benefits Your Skin

Another carrot juice benefit is that it helps with your skin health. Vitamin C in carrot juice helps with the creation of collagen.2

Collagen is responsible for providing skin with its elasticity and strength. It also helps with replacing dead skin cells.

Strengthen Your Teeth

Research has shown that carrot juice preserves the health of your teeth. The vitamin C in carrot juice helps with the health of your tooth enamel. Specifically, vitamin C work towards protecting and repairing the tooth enamel.

Ways to Drink Carrot Juice:

While carrot juice can be enjoyed by itself, there are some delicious recipes and variations you can try.

  • Add apple and ginger to your carrot juice9
  • Add orange and ginger
  • Mix with mango, pineapple, ginger, and water
  • Add beets, apples, and ginger

 Ways to Drink More Carrot Juice:

  • Drink carrot juice with your lunch or dinner
  • Add carrot juice to your yogurt
  • Top your meats with carrot juice
  • Create a dressing for your salad
  • Add carrot juice to your smoothie
  • Mix carrot juice with sparkling water
  • Add apples to your carrot juice to make a tasty fruity drink
  • Add carrot juice to your chicken broth
  • Make popsicles by freezing carrot juice
  • Drink tea with carrot juice mixed in

Saber Healthcare

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides services to more than 115 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, and Delaware. To learn more about our company and services, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  1. Khomich, L.M. et al. “Carrot juice nutritional profile. National Library of Medicine. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  2. “How can I get the benefits of carrot juice?” Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  3. “8 Impressive Benefits of Carrot Juice.” Accessed 16 August 2023. Link:
  4. “10 Benefits of Carrot Juice (Plus 3 Carrot Juice Recipes to Try).” Accessed 16 August 2023. Link:
  5. “Why You Should Care About Free Radicals.” Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  6. “Carrot Juice Administration Decreases Liver Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase 1 and Improves Docosahexaenoic Acid Levels, but Not Steatosis in High Fructose Diet-Fed Weanling Wistar Rats.” National Library of Medicine. Link:
  7. “Antioxidant Supplements: Friend of Foe?” Advancing Health Naturally. Accessed 16 August 2023. Link: BYYemGu3uTnC7WQ_FMnhoCkPgQAvD_BwE
  8. “Collagen.” Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 16 August 2023. Link:
  9. “The Best Carrot Juice with Apple and Ginger.” Southern Kissed. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  10. Forrest, Carrie. “Carrot Juice Recipe with Orange & Ginger.” Clean Eating Kitchen. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  11. Bond, Sarah. “Easy Carrot Juice Recipe (No Juice Required!).” Live eat learn. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link:
  12. “10 Carrot Juice Recipes (+ Best Homemade Drinks).” Insanely Good. Accessed 29 August 2023. Link: