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5 Health Benefits of Black Tea

5 Health Benefits of Black Tea

Oct. 9th, 2024

Did you know that black tea makes up 75% of global tea consumption, making it the most popular tea people drink?1 The origins of black tea date back to the 17th century in China. Black tea became popularized in the 18th century after it was brought over to Britain.2

Here are five health benefits of drinking black tea.

Low Calorie

One health benefit of black tea is that it only has 0.4 grams of carbohydrates and 2 calories per cup.3 This makes it a low calorie drink to add to your diet, which can make it a great replacement for pop or other sugary beverages.

According to researchers at Yale University, by ingesting less calories, you could have a better metabolism, improve inflammation, and have a lower chance of getting age-related diseases.4 Additionally, consuming low amounts of calories can lower cholesterol levels and improve blood glucose levels.5

Full of Antioxidants

Another health benefit of black tea is that it is full of antioxidants. Antioxidants can help get rid of the free radicals in your body. Free radicals are responsible for an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. The most popular antioxidant found in black tea is polyphenols.6

Polyphenols can help your body protect itself from damage from UV rays and effects from pollution. Additionally, polyphenols can help prevent you from getting different types of cancers, heart disease, and diabetes.7

Lower Chances of Cardiovascular Diseases

Another health benefit of drinking black tea is that it can lower your chances of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to the antioxidants helping your heart, drinking black tea can lower your blood pressure.

Furthermore, drinking black tea can also lower your chances of having a stroke. According to a study conducted by researchers, consuming three cups of black tea a day can lower your chances of having a stroke by twenty-one percent. Researchers also said that drinking an additional three cups of black tea can lower your stroke risk by another twenty-one percent.8  

Prevent Diabetes

Another health benefit of black tea is that it may help prevent diabetes. Research has found that there are certain compounds in black tea that can help prevent you from getting diabetes. Specifically, black tea has theaflavins and thearubigins, which are plant compounds that help lower blood sugar.9

A recent study found that those who drink black tea had lower amounts of postprandial blood sugar levels in their body.10 Postprandial blood sugar levels are the amount of blood sugar you have in your body after drinking a beverage.11

May Prevent Cognitive Decline

Another benefit of drinking black tea is that it may help prevent cognitive decline. Seven different studies found that those who drink black tea have a lower chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.

Additionally, the researchers found that those who smoke or have low activity levels have a lower risk of developing dementia if they drink black tea.12 This is because of the caffeine in black tea. Specifically, one cup of black tea has 47 milligrams of caffeine.13

Ways to Drink Black Tea

While you can drink plain black tea, there are various ways you can alter black tea and still receive its health benefits. Here are some examples of how you can enjoy black tea:

  • Drink it hot or iced
  • Add lemon
  • Add honey
  • Mix raspberries or peaches into the tea
  • Add a packet of Stevia to sweeten

Saber Healthcare

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides consulting services to more than 130 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, and Delaware. To learn more about our company and services, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.

