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Health Benefits of Plums

Health Benefits of Plums

Jan. 30th, 2024

Did you know that plums come in six different colors?1 They are deep purple, yellow, green, blue, red and black. Each variety of plum has different qualities that will give a different taste to your recipe.

If you are looking for a healthy snack to have during your day, a plum can be a delicious choice. Plums have a lot of health benefits and they taste great, too!

Here are some health benefits of plums, as well as some ways you can add more plums to your diet.

Filled with Nutrients

One of the best health benefits of plums is that they contain numerous vitamins and minerals.  

 Specifically, plums have:

  • 3% of the recommended Daily Value of Potassium, a mineral that helps your body control its fluid content2
  • 5% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin A, which contributes to your body’s immune system health as well as vision3
  • 5% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin K, which assists the body in preventing blood clots and building bones4
  • 10% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin C,5 a nutrient that helps your body build muscles and bones, as well as assists in the wound healing process.

Eating plums can be one way that you can add some of these vitamins and minerals to your every day diet.


Another health benefit of plums is that they have antioxidants. Antioxidants aid the body in protecting itself from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cancer, heart disease and cardiovascular disease.7

Plums have polyphenols, which help lower inflammation and defend your body from getting chronic illnesses.8 9 Plums also contain vitamin C, which is a antioxidant that is linked to protecting the body from cancer, colds, and eye diseases.6

May Control Blood Sugar

One health benefit of plums is that they may control your blood sugar. This is because plums contain chlorogenic acid, which helps the body control its blood sugar levels.

Additionally, the fiber in plums helps prevent your blood sugar from going up. This is because fiber cannot be broken down by the body.10 11

May Help Heart Health

An additional health benefit of plums is that they may help your heart health. The phytochemicals in plums aid in good heart health.

Specifically, the phytochemicals absorb cholesterol and lower blood pressure12 13, which can help to lower your chances of getting cardiovascular diseases.

May Help Slow Down Cognitive Decline

Another health benefit of plums is that they may help slow down cognitive decline. The phytochemicals help to lower the brain’s neurological inflammation, which can be caused by bacterial infections, viral infections, and bug bites.14

The phytochemicals found in plums have been linked to lowering the brain’s neurological inflammation. As a result, plums may avert age-related neurological disorders.15

May Help Manage Weight

A fifth health benefit of plums is that they may help manage your weight. Specifically, one plum only has 0.28 grams of fat.16

Additionally, eating a plum helps you feel full afterward, which makes it a great snack if you are trying to cut down on your calories.

Specifically, there are only 76 calories and less than a gram of fat in a cup of sliced plums.17

Ways to Eat More Plums

There are plenty of different ways you can incorporate plums into your diet. Here are some examples:

  • Eat a plum raw
  • Add plums to a salad
  • Put plums in a smoothie
  • Dip plums into yogurt
  • Create a jam to spread onto bread
  • Add plums to your vanilla cake recipe

Saber Healthcare

Saber Healthcare is an organization that provides services to more than 130 buildings across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, and Delaware. To learn more about our company and services, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long-term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  10. https:/
  11. %20of%20Fiber&text=lt%20can%20also%20lower%20your,the%20other%20carbohydrates%20can