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How to Keep Your Vision Healthy

How to Keep Your Vision Healthy

Jul. 5th, 2021

Sight is one of our most important senses because it allows us to see our loved ones and the scenic world around us.

It’s important to make sure that you don’t take your eyesight for granted and always work to keep it healthy. Once your eyesight begins to decline, it’s difficult to reverse the effects.

Taking proper care of your eyesight will help protect it against aging for years to come. Here is how to keep your vision healthy.

Wear Sunglasses

Have you ever wondered why your teachers told you to never look directly at the sun?

The sun has an effect on your vision through ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Over time, the UVA and UVB rays can damage your eyes in different ways depending on exposure and duration.

Ultraviolet rays can directly harm your macula, which translate lights into images and helps you see details.1 While the lens of your eyes filters out most of the ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet radiation can cause damage that results in vision loss and farsightedness.2

Furthermore, the sun’s rays can cause a disease called Photokeratitis, which is like a sunburn except it affects your corneas. Photokeratitis causes blurred vision and seeing halos as a side effect. While it’s usually temporary, over time damage to your eyes can lead to other eye diseases.3

Wearing sunglasses can help protect your eyes from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. If you wear glasses, consider getting transition lenses that turn dark in sunlight to help shield your eyes from the sun’s rays.

Wear Protective Gear

Wearing the proper protective gear is another important step in keeping your eyes healthy. You might not think you need protective gear, but it can help shield your eyes from harmful chemicals and substances.

Your eyes have a tear film that acts as a protectant against dirt and grime. However, sports such as swimming can damage this film because the chlorine in water can strip this away, which makes your eyes more vulnerable to infections.4

Furthermore, if you are doing household repairs, protective equipment can help protect your tear film from debris and anything that might accidentally fall onto your face.

Wear gear that protects your eyes such as safety glasses, goggles, and face shields to keep your eyes protected against substances that can harm your vision.

Don’t wear expired makeup

If you wear makeup, checking the expiration date is important to ensure that you don’t place harmful bacteria into your eyes that can cause eye infections.

For example, mascara should be thrown out every 3 to 6 months depending on the manufacturer.5 The reason for this is because mascara can collect bacteria over time, which can cause inflammation and eye infections. Using new makeup is one way how to keep your vision healthy and prevent harmful microorganisms from harming your eyesight.

Furthermore, it’s important to regularly clean makeup brushes to avoid any infections from old makeup that lingers on the bristles. You should also avoid sharing makeup because infections such as pinkeye can easily spread and contaminate your makeup.

If makeup is clumpy or irritates your eyes, don’t use it and immediately wash it off.

Making sure that you use new, fresh makeup to ensure that your eyes are protected from bacterial infections that can potentially damage your vision.

Care For Your Contacts

If you wear contacts, make sure you always properly clean them before use. Your contacts are directly on your eyes, and proper care will ensure that they don’t cause eye infections.

You should wash your hands before putting in and taking out your contacts to ensure that you don’t transfer harmful germs to your eyes. Make sure that your hands don’t have any lotions, hand sanitizers, oils, or perfumes that can get on the lenses.

You should also always follow the instructions on how long you should be wearing contacts and make sure that you don’t use eye drops that will irritate them. Always follow your eye doctor’s instructions about your contacts to make sure that you don’t unintentionally

Another option for contacts include disposable ones, but always make sure that you still follow the proper steps to make sure that you don’t contaminate them before putting them on.

Clean your contacts regularly to ensure that you are always being safe when putting them on!

Get Regular Eye Exams

Another way you can keep your vision healthy is by getting regular eye exams. Even if you don’t wear glasses, it’s recommended that you get an eye exam every two or three years to make sure that your eyesight remains strong.

An eye doctor can check your eyes and let you know if you are at risk for any eye diseases. They can also discuss your medical history if you are concerned about your eye health.

Eye doctors can also examine your eyes if you feel a change in your vision. If your eyesight suddenly becomes blurrier or your eyes become fatigued, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Your eye doctor can also let you know how to properly take care of your eyes and inform you if you need a certain pair of glasses. They can also give you directions on how to care for your contacts and answer any changes in your prescription.

Don’t Smoke

There are many drawbacks to smoking, but one key reason to avoid it is because of the negative effect it has on your eyes.

Heavy smokers have three times the risk of developing cataracts, which cloud the lens on your eyes and make it harder for you to see.6 Over time, cataracts will make you feel like you’re looking through a blurry window or lens.

Furthermore, smoking can put you at risk for macular degeneration, which is an eye disease that affects your central vision. This can impact your ability to read, drive, and recognize people. Macular degeneration makes it harder for you to perform everyday tasks.7

Avoid smoking to keep your vision healthy for years to come.

Take Care of Your Vision

Taking care of your vision is important to maintaining your eyesight. Start taking the steps to keep your eyes healthy and prevent your eyesight from aging!

Here at Saber Healthcare, we work to give our residents the care that they need to live happy, productive lives. To learn more about our company and the care we offer, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  1. Seltman, Whitney. “How Sunglasses Protect Your Eyes.” WebMD, July 14th, 2020. Accessed June 28th, 2020. Link:
  2. “What Toll is the Sun Taking On Your Eyes?” USC Roski Eye Institute, Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link:
  3. “Photokeratitis.” Cleveland Clinic, Article Last updated December 16th, 2020. Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link:
  4. Green, Kate. “How can chlorine damage your eyes?” Optimax Eye Surgery, Published June 13th, 2019. Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link:
  5. “How Long Does Makeup Last?” Loreal Paris, Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link:
  6. “Smoking Can Lead to Vision Loss or Blindness.” New York State, Published December 2009. Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link:
  7. “Vision Loss, Blindness, and Smoking?” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Page last updated February 15th, 2021. Accessed June 28th, 2021. Link: