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Why You Should Appreciate Nursing Assistants

Why You Should Appreciate Nursing Assistants

Jun. 24th, 2020

Happy National CNA/STNA week! Nursing Assistants have chosen the path to take care of those who can't take care of themselves.

Certified nursing assistants play a key role in helping patients receive quality care at nursing homes, hospitals, and healthcare facilities. They assist those who can’t help themselves and work to ensure that they give their patients what they need.

However, sometimes the work nursing assistants do can be taken for granted. Here are five reasons you should appreciate the nursing assistants in your loved one’s life.

They are compassionate

Nursing assistants are attentive, compassionate individuals who spend their day caregiving. The CNA profession requires being friendly to everyone, from patients to the family members who come to visit their loved ones.

People called to work as nursing assistants want to help guide and care for the people they interact with. They know this career isn’t always glamorous and take strides to give the best care they can with a smile.

Take a moment to thank your loved one’s nursing assistant for choosing a career that puts others first. After all, they deserved recognition for their hard work during CNA/STNA week!

Nursing Assistants Provide Emotional Support

Nursing assistants help their residents and patients start their day. They greet their patients in the morning and they always talk to them about their day.

As a result, nursing assistants hold a great amount of patience. They know when their residents need more emotional support or if they're excited about something. Nursing assistants cheer on their patients and support them.

Let’s appreciate our CNAs for giving their time and energy to help care for those who cannot help themselves.

CNAs Make an Impact

Certified nursing assistants can make a difference in a loved one’s nursing home experience or recovery. They assist their patients with tasks such as feeding, bathing, and dressing.

CNAs and STNAs are the first step to keeping the people they care for safe and healthy. They work daily with their patients to ensure that they can achieve their day-to-day tasks.

CNAs are always looking out for the people they care for and will always step in when needed. Thank your loved one’s nursing assistant for always being attentive and looking out for their patients. They deserve recognition for helping lives during National CNA and STNA Week.

Nursing Assistants are Empathetic 

Nursing assistants are empathetic individuals. They have personal contact with every resident, and they treat their residents like family members.

The nursing assistants also become more like extended family members to the residents and families rely on them to be the comfort and support when they aren't there. 

Thank the nursing assistant in your life for supporting each of their residents.

They know how to Connect

Nursing assistants know how to connect with many different types of people. They understand how their patients communicate and enjoy their uniqueness. Nursing assistants are also empathetic to the emotions of people who might be struggling to cope with their loved one’s condition.

Nursing assistants are always willing to sit down and have a genuine conversation. These unique individuals possess the willingness to spend extra time learning and knowing how to better care for their patients.

Take a moment and tell your loved one’s nursing assistant that you’re appreciative of the time they put into learning how to deal with different people and situations. It’s important to recognize them during national CNA week for always lending their ear.

Saber Healthcare Group Appreciates our CNAs and STNAs!

Here at Saber Healthcare, we understand and appreciate the value nursing assistants bring to our residents. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our nursing assistants.

If you or a loved one is looking for a job in healthcare where you’ll be appreciated, no matter the role, check out our job postings.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.