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6 Fun Spring Activities for Seniors

6 Fun Spring Activities for Seniors

Apr. 5th, 2021

Spring is an exciting time of year as we welcome the blooming flowers and say goodbye to the snow. Many seniors are also excited as the weather warms, and will want to enjoy the season to the fullest.

To help your loved one enjoy the beautiful weather, here are six fun springtime activities for seniors.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is the time of year when many people begin to declutter what they no longer need anymore.

As people go through life, they accumulate many things over time that they no longer use. They also may have many items that simply take up space. Helping your loved one spring clean is a great idea this season.

Begin helping a senior spring clean by decluttering items that you know for sure that they do not need. This can help them organize their life while getting rid of items that they don’t use or could be harmful, such as expired medications.

Some items to declutter include:

  • Clothes and shoes that are no longer worn
  • Old papers, magazines, books, and newspapers
  • Items in junk drawers
  • Expired or old medications, makeup, and food items
  • Duplicate items (such as extra scissors, flashlights, etc)
  • Broken items that cannot be fixed, or won’t be
  • Old electronics
  • Items that are incomplete, such as a CD case that is missing a CD that is no longer in the house
  • Extra mugs, plates, and eating utensils
  • Appliances that are no longer in use
  • Old cards that are not sentimental
  • Pens, markers, pencils, and office supplies that aren’t in use or don’t work

Many of these items can be donated to organizations that help people in need if you find some decluttered items that are still in good or working condition.

Enjoying the Outdoors – and be Sun Smart

Now that the weather is warm outside, seniors will want to start enjoying the outdoors. There are many health benefits of going outside, such as receiving vitamin D and enjoying the fresh air.

Walking is a great way for older individuals to stay active while getting the most out of the warmer weather. Your loved one can walk around their neighborhood or at a nearby park to enjoy spring’s nature.

Seniors can also enjoy being outside by relaxing in a chair, watching animals from their porch. This is a great way for them to appreciate the fresh air and nature without having to leave the house.

However, it is important for seniors to be cautious when they go outside, since too much exposure to sunlight can cause health issues such as skin cancer and sunburns.

Here are some ways to be sun smart in the warmer weather:

  1. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.1 When choosing a brand of sunscreen, make sure to use one with an SPF of 30 or higher. This will best protect the skin from the sun.
  2. Avoid the sun when the rays are strongest. The rays of the sun are the strongest during the day, from 10am—3pm.2 Your loved one should avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day.
  3. Wear long sleeves and pants. Another smart tip for seniors to protect themselves from the sun is by wearing long sleeves and pants.

Seniors can enjoy themselves outside while still being safe from the sun. Let them know why it is important to protect themselves from the sun’s rays and what they can do to prevent harmful exposure.


Does your loved one enjoy looking at plants and flowers? Gardening might be the perfect activity to help seniors be active and involved during the day!

Gardening requires paying attention to plants and making sure that they are growing each day, making it a way for your loved one to be involved this spring.

If your family member is incapable of going outside and gardening, one idea is to bring the plants to them inside. You can help them start a mini garden by the window with different flowers and plants that they can be responsible for taking care of each day.

Some benefits of gardening, according to Healthline Media, include:3

  • Protecting the brain’s memory. Gardening has been proven to improve the brain’s cognitive functioning by stimulating the brain.
  • Boosts mood. Another benefit of gardening is it can help someone relax, which will improve their overall mood.
  • Fight disease. When gardening, the body will absorb vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is responsible for improving your immune system, which can help lower your loved one’s chances of disease.

Nature Crafts

If the person you know enjoys using their creativity, another great way to help them welcome the spring includes making nature crafts.

There are many different ideas you can find for crafts online, but here are some fun activities to get you started:

  1. Make unique bird feeders. One fun spring activity is bird feeding, and your loved one can make their very own bird feeder using their own artistic talent. Whether you buy a bird feeder for decorating or help them make one from scratch, this is a great way to welcome in the spring.
  2. Create spring cards. Another activity for seniors is making fun, positive cards that give people positive compliments. Your loved one can either color a premade card, or you can help them draw and create their own. Think about gluing flowers, rhinestones, and other fun materials to help welcome in the spring.
  3. Make a spring wreath. Another idea to welcome spring into the home is by creating a spring wreath. Weave colorful flowers and leaves into the wreath and add things such as fake butterflies or bees to make the craft special. When done, you can hang the wreath on their door.
  4. Crochet fun spring crafts. If your loved one enjoys crocheting, they can welcome in the spring by making fun springtime items. Some crochet ideas include fun spring animals, flowers, trees, or clothing items such as shawls.

Bake Spring Cookies

If your loved one enjoys baking, another fun activity is to help them make spring cookies. Baking cookies  can keep seniors active and give them an activity that they can look forward to eating after it’s done.

Some ideas for making the spring cookies include:

  • Buying cookie cutters in springtime shapes, such as flowers
  • Using frosting that is bright including pinks, yellows, blues, and purples
  • Adding spring designs to the cookies
  • Using fun additions such as colorful M&M’s or chocolate chips

Sit down with your loved one and decide what kind of cookies you want to make together. When you’re done, you can enjoy them together outside!

Take Spring Photography

If the person you know likes scrapbooking or taking photos, starting a springtime photography collection might be a great activity for them this spring.

Your family member also doesn’t need to go anywhere special to take springtime photos. Some ideas for your loved one to take pictures of include:

  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Animals such as birds, bees, and squirrels
  • Spring decorations
  • Gardens
  • Spring dishes

With these ideas in mind, your loved one will be able to start taking photos that help them welcome in the spring. They can start a collection that they can continue to add to year after year!

Saber Healthcare Welcomes Spring!

Here at Saber Healthcare, our staff and residents are excited for the springtime and the activities it brings. We hope that these ideas are a fun way you and your loved one can start enjoying the warm weather.

To learn more about Saber Healthcare, click here.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.



  1. “Sunscreen FAQs.” American Academy of Dermatology Association, org. Accessed March 22nd, 2021. Link:
  2. “How Do I Protect Myself from Ultraviolet (UV) Rays?” American Cancer Society, Accessed March 22nd, 2021. Link:
  3. Stanborough, Rebecca. Sullivan, Debra, ed. “Seed, Soil, and Sun: Discovering the Many Healthful Benefits of Gardening.” Red Ventures, Healthline Media. Published June 17th, 2020. Accessed March 22nd, 2021. Link: 10 Benefits of Gardening, Plus Helpful Tips & Recommendations (