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7 Relaxing Summer Activities for Seniors

7 Relaxing Summer Activities for Seniors

May. 25th, 2021

Now that the summer is here, seniors are looking to find activities that will let them enjoy the warm weather.

But what are the best ways seniors can make the most of their summer? Here are 7 summer activities for seniors that are both enjoyable and relaxing.


One fun summer activity seniors love is swimming in the pool. Swimming is a great way to cool off in the summer while exercising.

Swimming is one of the best summer activities for seniors because water has relatively low impact on the body. That means if a senior has arthritis or another joint condition, swimming will not stress their muscles like other activities.1

Furthermore, there are many health benefits of swimming such as getting a full body workout. The variety of swimming exercises are endless, and seniors can do pool workouts at their own pace.

Another reasons seniors love swimming is because there is also an opportunity to socialize with others at the pool. They can meet other seniors in their local community and plan swimming sessions with them. That makes swimming both good for exercise and meeting others!


If the senior you know enjoys the pleasure of eating, a picnic can be the perfect summer activity for them to enjoy with the whole family.

Picnics are about sharing different recipes with others while relaxing in the warm weather. This is a great way to bring the family together and create memories that will last for years.

Here are some ways to make the most of a summer picnic:

  1. Have a cooking contest. A cooking contest is one way to bring more excitement to your family’s summer picnic. Everyone who participates in the picnic will need to bring their best recipe. The family can vote on who had the best treat!
  2. Have everyone tell their best summer story. Seniors love talking about their past as well as hearing about other people’s lives. One way to have a successful picnic is to let everyone tell the story of their favorite summer memory.
  3. Bring a board game. Another way to enhance a summer picnic is by bringing a game that everyone can enjoy. Challenge your family to their favorite board game while enjoying the warm weather and dining on snacks!

Book Club

Many seniors enjoy reading books outside as the weather becomes warm. There is nothing like reading a good book while also appreciating the sunshine!

If the senior in your life is a book worm, joining a book club can be a fun activity that they can enjoy throughout the season. This is a way they can make lifelong friends who have the same hobby as them.

There are many book clubs that are dedicated towards different genres, as well as ones targeted at seniors who love to read.

Seniors can find the book club that suits their interests this summer. Book clubs are available through local libraries, churches, senior centers, and more.

Boat Rides

Boat rides are a great way for seniors to sightsee the surrounding area if they live by a nearby ocean, lake, or river.

Boat rides are a fun summer activity for seniors because they are relatively accessible to them, even if they are in a wheelchair. Boat rides can be done on a nice day and there are some that are also exclusive to seniors in the area.

There are many different types of boat rides, from ones that center on giving a tour of the area to others that are about enjoying nature. Some boat rides will also incorporate activities at different stops into their schedule.

If your loved one enjoys boats or exploring, a boat ride might be a perfect summer activity for them!


Another exciting summer activity that is accessible to seniors is going fishing at a local park or pier.

Fishing is relatively easy and open to everyone, with some locations even accommodating for seniors or those who have mobility issues such as being in a wheelchair.

One thing seniors who want to fish this summer need to know are the fishing rules. Some places have catch and release fishing only while other parks are open for certain hours of the day to fishers.

If your loved one likes sitting outside, fishing might be a good activity for them to enjoy this summer. They can also meet other people who like to fish while taking in the surroundings.

Take a Nature Walk

Another way to make the most of the summer is by taking a nature walk. In the summer, the weather is warm and the wildlife comes out of hiding from the winter. This is the perfect time to enjoy what nature has to offer.

Here are some ways seniors can make the most of their nature walk:

  1. Take photos of nature. If the senior you know enjoys photography or scrapbooking, taking pictures while they walk can be a great way for them to remember the summer for years to come. If they are crafty, they can turn their photos into a collage or scrapbook.
  2. Time the walk. The hottest part of the day is generally around 3pm in the summer.2 In order for seniors to stay sun smart, walking during the coolest part of the day allows them to enjoy the warm weather without worrying about tiring out or getting a sunburn as easily.
  3. Bring water. Because the sun is out, one tip to make the nature walk last longer is to bring bottled water. Bringing water will allow someone to enjoy the weather for a longer period of time without dehydrating.

Make Ice Cream Sundaes

Another idea to add to the list of fun summer activities for seniors is making homemade ice cream sundaes. Ice cream is a cold, delicious dessert that is perfect for the summer time because it is sweet and perfect to enjoy by the poolside.

Making ice cream sundaes can be done easily and in the comfort of your family’s home. Some ways you can enhance your ice cream sundaes is by:

  • Using multiple flavors of ice cream
  • Adding chocolate or caramel syrup
  • Using sprinkles with summer shapes
  • Adding cookies such as Oreos
  • Adding candy that is sweet and summery
  • Using fruit for healthier toppings

Seniors who enjoy using their creativity as well as eating food will love having a special sundae treat that they can create themselves!

Welcome Summer!

As the weather becomes warm and we welcome in the summer, Saber Healthcare’s Life Enrichment department strives to offer fun and inclusive activities that residents at any age can participate in.

Learn more about the personal care Saber Healthcare provides to our residents and how we strive to let our residents live happy, productive lives while giving them the care that they need.

Saber Healthcare is an organization dedicated to providing consultant services to long term care providers. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to be seen as professional advice. Please consult with a medical expert before relying on the information provided.


  1. “6 Fun Summer Exercises for Seniors.” Saber Healthcare, com. Published June 22nd, 2020. Accessed May 20th, 2021. Link:
  2. “What is the hottest time of day? 3 P.M., or noon?” Yankee Publishing, The Old Farmer’s Alamanac. Accessed May 20th, 2021. Link:,to%20be%20greater%20than%20incoming.