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Life Enriched Leadership Meeting: Saber Healthcare's Future Direction

Life Enriched Leadership Meeting: Saber Healthcare's Future Direction

Oct. 15th, 2020

Recently, Saber Healthcare Group held our second annual leadership meeting with the theme of Life Enriched.

Due to the pandemic, this event was held virtually. Our leaders used video software to connect and present the conference.

The leaders present at this event included our Directors of Nursing, Administrators, and the Leadership Team.

Diann Jurcago, Saber Healthcare’s VP of Life Enrichment gave our leaders a better understanding of aging with purpose. She spoke about how nursing homes are oftentimes stigmatized as “the last stop” when they should be viewed as an enriched community that allows our residents to live life to the fullest extent.

Part of her presentation included speaking on the fact nursing homes are oftentimes seen as a place you can’t go or do what you want; however, her vision is that Saber Healthcare and other nursing homes will change their outlook by focusing on helping the residents achieve their goals.

Jurcago believes nursing homes should provide ways for residents to continue their roles (such as being a mother, grandmother, etc.), visit with their families, attend activities, continue to engage with the community, and control their day.

Her photos showed what nursing homes today look like versus how they can improve. Some of the suggestions include selecting furniture that gives the atmosphere a home-like feeling and building programs that help residents connect to their loved ones and the community.

Saber Healthcare also invited our culinary leaders to present our new, enhanced dining services that will be introduced to the residents. Kym Brenneman, Director of Food & Nutrition taught our leaders how to enrich resident lives and improve outcomes with great food. 

Chef Moe giving a cooking demonstration, and Kym Brenneman giving her presentation

Brenneman touched on how food is one of our necessities but also a way for us to connect with others. She also went through how to stay compliant when cooking and maintaining proper hygiene.

Another part of her presentation centered on making reasonable efforts to maintain our resident’s ethnic and cultural food tastes. She explained residents don’t have the option to leave and get food somewhere else, and touched on the fact Saber’s culinary teams have been creating optional menu items that can meet these needs.

Brenneman also reviews the fact that the way food looks has an impact on our residents as well. Food should be nutritious and served in a setting that gives the resident a positive experience. This can be as simple as setting up the tables with clean napkins and using furniture that gives a home-like environment.

Chef Moe Elmaher, Executive Director of Culinary conducted a cooking demonstration to share what the future of our culinary services program can look like. The dishes he made looked pleasing to the eye and were made to fit our residents’ nutritional needs.

Other speakers included Saber Healthcare’s CEO and owner Bill Weisberg, who gave an overview of the company, the healthcare industry, and his perspective on leadership amidst a pandemic. Best-selling author Andrew Tarvin was a keynote speaker who taught our leaders how to get better results while having more fun. Dr. Jera Niewoehner-Green, a professor from Ohio State University presented “Intent vs. Impact – how our Leader’s words matter Related to Social Media.”

Teambuilding exercises on the left, and Andrew Tarvin on the right

There was also some team building as well as a celebration for our ACHA, deficiency-free, and IMPACT award winners. 

Impact award winner Brandis Taylor, DON from Autumn Care Marshville and Impact award winner Shanika Matthieu, Nha from St James

Saber’s IT department coordinated the technical aspect of having two-hundred seventy five people in a virtual environment for two days.

The event was a success, and Saber Healthcare is optimistic about moving forward with the idea of life enrichment. Our leadership team will continue to develop and create these programs to continuously improve the services our company offers.